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20 May 2021

A Win for Windsor Station

The Andrews Labor Government is planning for future upgrades at Windsor Station, one of Melbourne’s oldest train stations, to deliver the accessibility, modern technology and amenities the growing population deserves.

The Victorian Budget 2021/22 invests $500,000 to undertake a detailed investigation into upgrades for Windsor that will respect the station’s significant heritage while delivering a modern rail service for the inner southern suburb.

As part of the Labor Government’s $24.5 million Transport Accessibility and Amenity Upgrades initiative, work will start in July to explore potential upgrades like a second entrance for the station’s southern platform, increasing accessibility and quick entry for trains along the Sandringham line as well as improving access to the nearby Windsor Siding Park.

The station’s heritage-listed buildings were built in the mid-1800s, servicing some of Melbourne’s first suburban rail services.
An upgrade to Windsor will help the train service keep up with new housing in the area – with work set to commence late this year on the Labor Government’s landmark social housing collaboration with the private sector and community housing organisations to build more than 1,100 new homes in Prahran and Brighton, as well as Flemington.

The work on Windsor Station comes on top of the Government’s work to upgrade stations as the state recovers from the coronavirus pandemic – with $24 million as part of the Building Works stimulus package to upgrade 16 stations across the metropolitan and V/Line network.

As well as delivering better, more accessible train journeys for all Victorians, the upgrades are creating local jobs when Victorians need them most as the economy continues its ongoing recovery from COVID-19.

“As our inner suburbs continue to grow, we’re making sure our public transport infrastructure keeps pace with changing communities – delivering safe, easy access to a quality rail service close to people’s homes.”
“Windsor is one of Melbourne’s oldest stations, but we’re investing to ensure it continues to serve the growing, diverse community for generations to come.”

– Member for Southern Metropolitan Region Nina Taylor

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