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13 Oct 2020

Fast-Tracking Glen Huntly Level Crossing Removals

Steve Dimopoulos MP, Nina Taylor MP and Josh Burns MP

The Victorian Government is fast-tracking two dangerous and congested level crossings in Glen Huntly for removal, with early construction works set to start next year, the boom gates gone in 2023 and the project complete in 2024 – a year ahead of schedule.

Member for Southern Metropolitan Region Nina Taylor today confirmed the Neerim Road and Glen Huntly Road level crossings will be removed by lowering the line into a trench – saving travel time for the 20,000 vehicles traveling through the two level crossings each day, with boom gates down for around half the morning peak.

Glen Huntly Road has one of Melbourne’s last remaining tram squares – a manually operated level crossing used by both trains and trams, where trains are required to travel at very slow speeds, exacerbating boom gate delays.

With more than 200 trains passing through each day, the level crossings cause significant delays for cyclists, pedestrians and trams moving through the busy local area.

As part of the level crossing removal project, a new modern Glen Huntly station and precinct will be built – with a focus on improving connectivity between the nearby tram stop, local activity areas, community facilities and homes, whilst also improving safety.

After thorough technical assessments, a rail trench was identified as the best way to remove the level crossings – meaning shorter construction timeframes, less frequent rail and road disruptions and maximum opportunity to integrate the station with the surrounding precinct.

The project is in the planning stage with geotechnical investigations, service location, and groundwater monitoring in progress. In the coming weeks the community will be invited to have their say about design themes for the station precinct through an online forum.

Once the level crossings at Glen Huntly Road and Neerim Road are removed there will be no level crossings on the Frankston line between Flinders Street Station and Moorabbin Station after a $3 billion investment on the line sees 18 level crossings gone for good and building 12 new stations.

This year, six level crossings have been removed on the Frankston line in Cheltenham, Mentone, and Carrum, with works ramping up on the removal of another five at Edithvale, Chelsea, and Bonbeach.

The Government is removing 75 level crossings by 2025 with 38 dangerous and congested level crossings already gone for good. For more information about Victoria’s infrastructure agenda, visit bigbuild.vic.gov.au

“We’re fast tracking the Glen Huntly level crossing removal so the community can see the benefits sooner – freeing up almost half the morning peak’s congestion and delivering a brand new station precinct to enjoy.”

“My community knows what a difference this will make. We’ve seen the benefits of level crossing removals along the Frankston line already, and now we’re ready to see these benefits in Glen Huntly.”

  • Member for Southern Metro Nina Taylor
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