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24 Oct 2019

Making Kindergarten More Inclusive for Ashburton Children

The Victorian Government is helping ensure Ashburton children of all abilities can get the most out of their time at kindergarten, thanks to a new upgrade.

Member for Southern Metropolitan Nina Taylor today visited the Highgate Early Learning Centre in Ashburton to open a new upgrade, which includes:

  •  New amphitheatre;
  • new decking and decking paths;
  • new water feature with dry bed and logs;
  • sensory garden;
  • bamboo screen with port hole feature; and
  • new mulch area and sand pit relocation.

The Victorian Government provided Highgate Early Learning Centre $111,178.68 towards the project, which aims to provide a more inclusive environment for children with disabilities or additional needs.

This project is part of the Inclusive Kindergarten Facilities Program, which provides funding to upgrade buildings and playgrounds or buy equipment to provide more accessible and inclusive environments.

Up to $200,000 is provided to kindergarten services to undertake buildings and playgrounds upgrades.

The state’s biggest early education build will continue over the coming years, with the Government to invest more than $1.68 billion over the next decade to support the construction or expansion of almost 1,000 kindergartens across the state.

This is part of the Government’s $5 billion commitment to deliver 15 hours of funded kindergarten programs for all three-year-old children in Victoria over the next decade, with the roll-out beginning in 2020.

This is about ensuring Ashburton families have access to stronger support in early childhood, so kids are ready for kinder, ready for school and ready for life.

“All children should get the most out of their time at kindergarten, which is why we’re making kinder buildings and playgrounds more accessible for children of all abilities.”

—Minister for Education James Merlino

“I’m delighted we’re helping kindergartens such as Highgate Early Learning Centre upgrade their infrastructure to create more inclusive and accessible environments.”

—Member for Southern Metropolitan Nina Taylor

“It’s really fantastic to see children at Highgate Early Learning Centre enjoying their new play area”

—Member for Southern Metropolitan Nina Taylor

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