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02 Apr 2020

Toorak Road Level Crossing Removal Works Continue

Nina Taylor MP at Toorak Road level crossing construction site with The Hon. Jacinta Allan (Minister for Transport Infrastructure).

A nine-day construction blitz starting tomorrow will remove the Toorak Road level crossing – the 35th crossing to go since the Andrews Labor Government was elected.

The Government has been working closely with the construction industry, unions and our contractors to ensure the Big Build program can continue safely. More than 15,000 workers are delivering critical transport infrastructure to keep Victoria moving.

Strict protocols are in place to protect the safety of our construction workforce and community consistent with the latest advice from the Chief Health Officer.

This includes modifying construction activities to maintain social distancing, providing extra protection for workers who need to work in close proximity for short periods of time. There are also enhanced industrial cleaning and additional hygiene measures in place.

Crews will work around the clock to remove the boom gates on Toorak Road, install new tracks, ballast, overhead wiring, complete signalling works and connect the new rail bridge to the Glen Waverley Line.

At the end of the works, trains will begin travelling over the new rail bridge with traffic below unimpeded.

To enable these works to be completed safely and efficiently, buses replace trains between Burnley and East Malvern from 9.00pm Friday 3 April to last train Sunday 12 April.

There will be increased cleaning across public transport, including rail replacement buses. This includes nightly sanitation of replacement buses, including wiping down all touch surfaces and entirely spraying with disinfectant.

The clear advice to Victorians is to stay home. Passengers who need to travel are reminded to practice good hygiene on public transport – and if they feel unwell, they should stay at home.

During the construction period, Toorak Road will have closures at nights and on weekends between the Monash Freeway intersection and Elizabeth Street, including closures of the exit lanes from Monash Freeway turning towards the level crossing. There will also be other local traffic impacts.

Detour routes being encouraged include the use Burke Road, Tooronga Road, Malvern Road and Glenferrie Road.

Removing the level crossing will get rid of a major bottleneck for vehicles travelling through the level crossing each day, as well as improve walking and cycling connections and creating new community open space.

Finishing works and landscaping will be complete in 2021 with more than 23,000 trees, plants and grasses planted.

The Labor Government is removing 75 level crossings by 2025, with 34 currently removed. For information about the project and disruptions visit levelcrossings.vic.gov.au.

“The important works will go ahead with extra precautions to keep workers safe as we continue to fight coronavirus, ensuring these critical works can be completed quickly and providing job security for workers on major projects.”

—Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan

“We’ve removed 34 level crossings, and Toorak Road is on track to become the 35th – we’re delivering for Victorians.”

—Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan

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